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Egis contributes to the second phase of the European air traffic control infrastructure modernisation programme

On 9 June 2009, Egis was awarded a contract with the French Air navigation service provider (DSNA) in partnership with Steria for the development phase of the ambitious SESAR programme.
This project aims at transforming the European air traffic management (ATM) system through a restructuration of national airspaces and modernisation of existing infrastructures, in order to take a major leap in terms of air capacity and safety. The SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU) manages the project and federates research and development resources in the Community under the form of a public-private partnership gathering European aviation specialists (the European organisation for the safety of air navigation, air navigation service providers, aircraft and airborne equipment manufacturers, airports, industry). The DSNA, as a critical member of the SJU, has taken strategic positions on the operational activities of en-route airspaces, terminal manoeuvring area (TMA) and airport of the SESAR programme. In this framework, Egis Avia teams bring their expertise in ATM and human factors to assist DSNA with:
  • Defining and validating concepts;
  • Carrying out experiments;
  • Validating prototypes;
  • Managing work packages and sub work packages.
  • With this 6-year contract, Egis stands out as a major player of the development of the new generation ATM system to control the Single European Sky for the next decades.


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