Egis contributes to upgrade Beauvais Airport to category III

The company in charge of Beauvais airport management and operations has initiated a 68M€ investment plan. In this framework, a 14M€ project is dedicated to the upgrade of the precision approach to category III in order to enhance safety and reduce flight delays on the airport.
In fact, bad weather conditions and fog regularly affect airlines operating on the airport (Ryanair, Wizzair ou Blue Air) compelling them to reroute or cancel their flights.
With 2.5 million passengers per year, the airport has decided to acquire a cat III instrument landing system to provide precision instrument approach capabilities during weather conditions with low visibility.
Along with other co-contracting companies, Egis Avia is a major contributor to the management of this complex project which required closing the airport from June 3 to 10 to carry out heavy works of runway levelling and refection. This gigantic and tricky building project mobilising more than 400 workers on eight days has been successfully conducted.
Egis Avia is thus an important player in the main evolution of this airport which has planned to double its capacity over the next years.
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