EGNOS-Africa Joint Programme Office (JPO) starts recruitment drive

Update 11 June 2013
1. JPO Director:
The selection process has been declared unfruitful and the SAFIR Project Implementation Team invites the Deputy Director Candidates and other possible new candidates to apply for the post of JPO Director.
The vacancy notice and the application form are unchanged with the exception of the date of entry of duty which is now fixed in October 2013 as for the other staff.
2. Other Staff:
The selection process for the 4 other posts (JPO Deputy Director, GNSS Programme Manager, Certification/Safety Expert and Legal/Economic Expert) is in progress as planned but it has been decided to accept new applications.
3. New applications for the 5 posts (JPO Director, Deputy Director, GNSS Programme Manager, Certification/Safety Expert and Legal/Economic Expert)
Applications can be submitted until 23 June 2013 (6:00 pm UT) at the latest and sent simultaneously by e-mail to the 3 Experts of the SAFIR Project Implementation Team (PIT):;;
The SAFIR2 (Satellite navigation services for AFrican Region) project under the EU-Africa Common Strategy as well as the Joint EU-Africa Partnership is pleased to announce the start of the 1st recruitment phase for the EGNOS-Africa Joint Programme Office (JPO).
Applications are now invited for the posts of:
JPO Director
JPO Deputy Director
GNSS3 Programme Manager
Certification/Safety Expert
Legal/Economic Expert
The dates for entry on duty are the 1st of July 2013 for the JPO Director and the 1st of October 2013 for the 4 other posts.
The 5 vacancy notices with The 5 vacancy notices with the application form are posted on the following websites:
The vacancies can also be found in our
Jobs Section
on this website.The missions of the EGNOS-Africa Joint Programme Office are to define the baseline and to oversee the subsequent implementation phase for the specification and procurement of the development and deployment of GNSS/EGNOS in Africa.
The personnel of the JPO will include ten staff members after a second phase of recruitment of 5 other Experts planned to start later in 2013 for an entry on duty on 1st of February 2014.
All the JPO staff will be trained in Trieste (Italy) before their entry on duty by the sister Project TREGA (TRaining for EGnos in Africa) led by UNESCO/ICTP (International Centre for Theoretical Physics).
For further information, please contact:
Olivier TURCAS
SAFIR Team Leader
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