ENAIRE invests 2.7 million euros in process automation

- Madrid, Spain.

At its meeting yesterday, ENAIRE's Board of Directors approved an investment of 2.7 million euros (2,695,787 euros) to automate its processes.

The objectives of this process automation are to: improve and optimise processes, increase digitisation and automation, improve data quality, optimise resources and enhance employee satisfaction.

To this end, the Board of Directors awarded a contract titled "Service to Analyse, Develop and Implement Automated Processes at ENAIRE", divided into two lots.

Lot 1 includes the management and coordination, analysis, design, implementation and deployment of processes, support and maintenance, and the cloud resources, licences and services needed for process automation.

Lot 1 was awarded to Deloitte Consulting S.L.V. The contract is worth 2,418,386 euros (plus taxes) and the execution period is one year.

The goal is to improve and optimise processes, increase digitisation, improve data quality and optimise resources

Lot 2 is for the oversight and control, monitoring, testing and validation of the activities involved in Lot 1, as well as to monitor and track the processes implemented.

Lot 2 was awarded to Telefónica Soluciones de Informática y Comunicaciones de España S.A.U. and is worth 277,401 euros (plus taxes). The contract duration is one year.

Greater competitiveness and efficiency

This process automation service is part of ENAIRE's Strategic Plan, Flight Plan 2025, whose strategic objectives include safety, quality, efficiency, competitiveness, and the company's transformation and modernisation.

The ENAIRE activities included in this project are as follows:

- Consultancy.

- Modelling and testing of Business Process Management (BPM) processes.

- Adaptation of existing applications.

- Licences and infrastructure.

- Monitoring and follow-up.

- Communication.

- Change Management.

- Training.

The scope of this service consists of analysing, redesigning, modelling and implementing processes involving economics-finances, legal, human resource management, operations, business planning and the associated activities needed to properly execute the works, as well as other additional areas that might benefit from an automation study in order to improve them.


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