ENAIRE improves operations at San Sebastian Airport with EGNOS satellite technology
Since 28 November, San Sebastian Airport has been equipped with new instrument approach procedures based on satellite navigation systems using the European EGNOS system, which enhances the performance of the GPSbased procedures that were already available at the airport.
This new technology will improve operations at an airport where the terrain and geographical limitations affect the design of approach and landing procedures using conventional radio aids. Already in 2021, departure and arrival procedures based on conventional VOR/DME radio aids were improved with the application of GPS satellite navigation systems.
Since these procedures, along with those based on EGNOS, do not depend on ground-based navaids, they provide a highly useful solution as an alternative to the current, conventional approaches, especially when the existing facilities are out of order or during maintenance. In the case of the new approaches to runway 22, once airlines gradually acquire the avionics and certification for EGNOS-based procedures, the result will be a significant improvement over the current procedures.
Thanks to EGNOS, which enhances the performance of the GPS constellation signal, the pilot will be able to reduce the decision height at which runway references are taken to complete the approach and landing, offering a clear improvement in low cloud ceiling conditions. To operationally apply these new procedures based on the use of the EGNOS system, aircraft must be properly equipped and their crews must be adequately trained and qualified. The incorporation of EGNOS will entail a very significant operational improvement at an airport whose characteristics limit the installation of precision ILS systems.
European EGNOS System
The use of the European EGNOS satellite navigation system, which is owned by the European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA), is part of the service agreement already in place between ENAIRE and ESSP, the company that provides the EGNOS service.
ESSP is an air navigation provider supervised by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and owned by ENAIRE, together with air navigation providers from Germany, France, Italy, Portugal, the United Kingdom and Switzerland.
To allow airlines to land and take off using this new method, ENAIRE has conducted the relevant safety studies, which were approved by the National Aviation Safety Agency (AESA).
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