Entry Point North delivers ATSEP training to GCAA in Abu Dhabi

Entry Point North, one of the largest air traffic services academies globally, was selected by the General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) in Abu Dhabi to provide an extensive ATSEP Training programme.
In February-March 2014 the training programme consisting of ATSEP Basic, ATSEP Shared and ATSEP SMC Qualification courses was delivered on-site in Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Zayed Air Naviga-tion Centre, by several Entry Point North instructors – experts in ATSEP and Human Factors. The training was compliant with the Eurocontrol Specifications for ATSEP training. The partici-pants originated from various countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Middle East and this resulted in a perfect learning environment of sharing best experiences
"The international recognition of our high quality training services once again rewards us with a new client and a greater expansion into the Middle East" - says Anders Halskov-Jensen, Client Manager at Entry Point North. Entry North Point has also recently provided ATSEP training for participants coming from Hong Kong, Indonesia and Dubai as well as various countries across Europe.
ATSEP training participants from GCAA
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