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Entry Point North delivers ATSEP training to PCCW-HKT

- Malmo, Sweden

Entry Point North, one of the largest air traffic services academies in Europe, was selected by PCCW-HKT in Hong Kong as ATSEP Training provider. PCCW-HKT is responsible for CNS/ATM system in Chek Lap Kok Airport Hong Kong. PCCW group also holds interests in telecommunications, media, IT solutions and other businesses throughout the world.

In January 2013, Entry Point North’s experienced human factors instructors performed on-site ATSEP OSTI and ATSEP Assessor courses. The training was compliant with ICAO standards and was regarded as a great success.

 ATSEP Assessor course. Hong Kong, January 2013

ATSEP Assessor course. Hong Kong, January 2013

Entry Point North offers a variety of ATSEP courses and recently had the honour of welcoming participants from PCCW-HKT and Hong Kong Civil Aviation Department to the ATSEP Basic course in Malmoe, Sweden together with 3 other clients. Later this year Entry Point North will be also delivering on-site ATSEP Training consultancy services to PCCW-HKT.

“We are very proud to be chosen by PCCW-HKT for ATSEP Training and consultancy. It once again confirms an international recognition of our high quality training services and it's a pleasant expansion of our Asian activities" - says Anders Halskov-Jensen, Client Manager at Entry Point North.


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