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Entry Point North offers on-site Training using Mobile Simulation Trailer

Entry Point North, one of the largest Air Traffic Service (ATS) academies, is now offering on-site training using a specially equipped mobile simulation (MOS) trailer.
epn200logo.jpgDuring September and October up to 30 tower controllers from Aviation Capacity Resources AB (ACR) a private air navigation service provider in Sweden - received emergency training provided in the mobile simulator that was transported and put into operation next to their tower units, Stockholm Västerås and Växjö.

The mobile training solution obviously brings many advantages to our customers says Eva Håkansson, Client Manager at Entry Point North. We can perform the training next to the workplace meaning that controllers do not need to travel, pay for hotel accommodation and be temporary relocated. This reduces the total training cost for the ANSP. We can work together to plan the training so, that it does not affect the daily working routine at the unit.

The MOS trailer can have a tower or a radar simulator, 2 controller positions and 2 pseudo pilot positions. It can be deployed easily and quickly almost anywhere as it only needs somewhere to park, access to power and an internet connection. The MOS trailer is ideal for small or moderate sized aerodromes for ATC training, refresher and emergency training. The exercises can be designed simulating the local airport/airspace set-up to ensure the training is performed with a high level of realism. This also enables training to be more effective by simulating local traffic scenarios and/or unusual events that may only happen sporadically.


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