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Era selected for Namibia Project

Era Systems Corporation, a subsidiary of SRA International, Inc. today announced it has been selected to supply a national wide area multilateration (WAM) system for Namibia.
The system, which will be delivered to the Namibian civil aviation authority (CAA), will cover more than 825,000 square kilometers and will be a significant component of an overall air traffic management (ATM) system upgrade to be managed by Thales ATM, the prime on the contract. Eras MSSsm ADS-B and multilateration system will provide complete nationwide coverage for Namibia as it prepares for a significant increase in air traffic, associated with the 2010 FIFA World Cup taking place in neighboring South Africa. The Era solution consists of a network of strategically placed ground stations that will provide higher accuracy, greater update rates, better coverage and improved reliability when compared to traditional radar, with much lower initial and maintenance costs. Data from the Era surveillance will be fused with primary and secondary radar data and integrated into a new EUROCAT-X ATM system. We are proud to have been selected by Thales ATM as its multilateration and ADS-B technology provider for this large and strategically important project in Namibia, said Russell Hulstrom, vice president of Eras Air Traffic Management business. Eras unmatched track record in deploying operational wide area multilateration systems was an important selection consideration for the Namibian CAA and we are committed to success on this historic project. Era is the world leader in proven next-generation surveillance technologies and has more than 100 customers in over 40 countries worldwide. The Namibian system will be Eras largest system in Africa following the successful surface movement system deployments in Cape Town and Johannesburg, and Africas first operational WAM system, also in Cape Town.


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