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ESSP, the European Satellite Services Provider wins new contract for the provision of the EGNOS service

GSA, the European Union Agency in charge of the different European GNSS programmes, has announced the award of the new ESP (EGNOS Service Provision) Contract to ESSP, the European Satellite Services Provider. The ESSP, a company that NAV Portugal is detaining 8.3% of its capital, is the current EGNOS service provider since 2009, providing excellent service under contract with the European Commission until December 31, 2013.

The new contract will cover the period 2014-2021 (inclusive), for a total amount of 450 M €.

The 8-year contract was signed on June 26 by the Director of GSA Carlo des Dorides, and by the President of the ESSP Dirk Werquininaram. The ceremony took place in the Office of European Commission Vice-President Antonio Tajani, responsible for Industry and Entrepreneurship, including the different GNSS programmes (EGNOS and GALILEO).

The selection of ESSP is the result from the open Tender GSA/NP/09/12, in which technical and financial criteria determined that ESSP proposal offers the highest value for money for the future EGNOS Service users, while ensuring a seamless transition into 2014. Another key element to win the ESP contract has been the link as strategic subcontractor with Telespazio, one of Europe’s leading companies in satellite services.

“This new contract is recognition of our commitment to excellence” ESSP President Dirk Werquin said “and we will continue in the same path for the years to come”.

The ESSP is committed to the following main objectives in the course of the new ESP Contract:

the EGNOS signal and data provision for Open Service (OS) and Safety- of- Life Service (SoL) as well as the provision of the EDAS (EGNOS Data Access Service)EGNOS Service Provision, Operations and maintenance (including infrastructure evolution and deployment).the support to the GSA in promoting the use of EGNOS services within the different domains of application (Aviation, Rail, Road, Maritime, etc.)

Anne Lambert of NATS, who is Chair of ESSP’s Board of Directors, said: “This award reflects the commitment and professionalism of all the staff of ESSP who have worked so hard to make EGNOS a success”.


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