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EUROCONTROL and COMSOFT Agree on the Joint Validation of a New Concept of ATC Controller Support Tools

The EUROCONTROL First ATC Support Tools Implementation (FASTI) Initiative is a Programme recognising a close cooperation with the ATM supply industry as being essential for its success and that of its ANSP stakeholders, to deliver benefits to airspace users in the short term. In support of this goal COMSOFT will contribute its expertise.
KARLSRUHE/BRUSSELS, March 2010 On 25 February the European Organisation for the safety of air navigation (EUROCONTROL) and German industry partner COMSOFT inked an agreement determining the further development of ATC support tools, with main focus on the Tactical Controller Tool (TCT). The need to cooperate with an ATM industry supplier in this regard emerged in the First ATC Support Tool Implementation (FASTI) programme and was found to be vital for its success and the direct translation of short-term benefits to airspace users.
TCT supports an early identification of potential conflicts and a proactive conflict resolution allowing the controller to manage critical situations at an early stage. As a controller support tool TCT fills the gap between the safety net function provided by short term conflict alert (STCA) and medium term conflict detection (MTCD).
EUROCONTROL developed the initial concept including a demonstrator in the context of the FASTI programme. As part of the agreement COMSOFT is tasked with the development of an automated ATC support function to integrate into their overall ATM package PRISMA. FASTI coordinates between air navigation service providers, suppliers and regulators in order to achieve a rapid deployment of controller support tools across Europe. SESAR on the other hand requires FASTI for the future concept.
For further information and product demonstrations please visit us at ATC Global stand H216 in Amsterdam.


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