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EUROCONTROL enters into new partnership with Indra and Atos-Cronos to design the next generation of network management operational systems

Known as iNM – the integrated Network Management programme – is EUROCONTROL’s digital transformation programme over the coming years

- Brussels, Belgium.

EUROCONTROL has entered into a new strategic partnership with technology companies Indra and Atos-Cronos joining EUROCONTROL’s established business partners Cegeka, EUROCITY, Sopra Steria and Thales to digitally transform the EUROCONTROL Network Manager’s operational systems for European aviation. Known as iNM – the integrated network management programme –will put in place a range of innovative digital products enabling EUROCONTROL, in its capacity as the Network Manager designated by the European Commission, to maximise the efficiency, safety and sustainability of the European aviation network through a new generation of cutting-edge, resilient and scalable operational systems. EUROCONTROL’s total investment in iNM by 2030 is foreseen to be €300 million covering investment in physical and digital infrastructure. The contracts with Indra and Atos-Cronos are €173 million for Indra and €59 million for Atos-Cronos.

EUROCONTROL Director General Eamonn Brennan was joined at the iNM launch event on Wednesday evening at EUROCONTROL headquarters in Brussels by the CEOs of the selected strategic technology partners – Indra Executive Director Ignacio Mataix, Atos Northern Europe CEO Clay Van Doren and Cronos CEO Dirk Deroost – together with representatives from Cegeka, EUROCITY, Sopra Steria and Thales.

iNM will enable the EUROCONTROL Network Manager to tackle the increasing complexity of ATM, replacing our ageing legacy systems with the very latest technological solutions as we look to manage the European aviation network as efficiently and sustainably as possible in the decades to come. iNM is a digital transformation programme that will further optimise the way we support aviation, enabling us to continue to provide innovative, customer-focused solutions to our stakeholders. This is the largest single capital investment programme in EUROCONTROL’s history, and I am delighted that in Indra and Atos-Cronos, we have found the right companies to join our existing technology partners to realize our ambition of being the digital leader in aviation.” 

Eamonn Brennan, EUROCONTROL Director General

The new iNM programme will replace all current EUROCONTROL NM operational systems with new digital products that harness big data, artificial intelligence/machine learning and cloud computing. These new customer-centric solutions will co-exist for some time with the legacy airspace, flight, flow and capacity management systems and eventually become available to operational stakeholders via iNM’s new Digital Platform. Developing the iNM Digital Products will be the responsibility of Indra.

The challenge of digitalizing the management of the European Air Traffic Network is a really exciting project for Indra, one that draws on our worldwide leadership and experience in developing the most cutting-edge air traffic systems, with a great track record working with partners to deliver solutions. We’ll be putting together a multidisciplinary team of specialists to respond to all aspects of the project.” 

Ignacio Mataix, Executive Director Indra

The ACE consortium, formed by Atos and Cronos, will support EUROCONTROL in managing the lifecycle of these Digital Products in their responsibility for iNM validation, deployment, support and maintenance.

“I am delighted that Atos has been chosen to play a leading role in this essential step of replacing all operational systems with the iNM programme. Our group has all the digital acumen and experience that is required to embrace this major challenge. The ability to develop and apply world-class technology, supported by proven processes, is essential for the evolution of the Air Traffic Management.”

Clay Van Doren, CEO Atos Northern Europe

We are convinced the iNM journey will bring unprecedented new capabilities to EUROCONTROL and air traffic management in general. We stand ready to deploy our human-centred innovations and our technology expertise across the ecosystem. Together with EUROCONTROL and our partners, we will secure the safe lift-off and landing of successful digital transformation projects.” 

Dirk Deroost, CEO Cronos Group

From left to right: Michael Dardenne (Thales), Dirk Deroost (Cronos), Ignacio Mataix (Indra), Eamonn Brennan (EUROCONTROL), Stijn Bijnens (Cegeka), Clay Van Doren (Atos), Xavier Pecquet (Sopra Steria), Sean Mac Mahon (Eurocity)

From left to right: Michael Dardenne (Thales), Dirk Deroost (Cronos), Ignacio Mataix (Indra), Eamonn Brennan (EUROCONTROL), Stijn Bijnens (Cegeka), Clay Van Doren (Atos), Xavier Pecquet (Sopra Steria), Sean Mac Mahon (Eurocity)


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