BALTIC FAB, DANUBE FAB, FAB CE and FABEC ANSPs signed Joint Declaration to deepen InterFAB cooperation on Aeronautical Information Management

Air Navigation Service Providers from Baltic FAB, DANUBE FAB, Functional Airspace Block Central Europe (FAB CE) and Functional Airspace Block Europe Central (FABEC) today signed a Joint Declaration to deepen InterFAB cooperation in the domain of Aeronautical Information Mangement (AIM). The declaration was signed during the on-line workshop on “Digitalisation – challenging and enabling future AIM” which brought together approximately 100 experts from all over Europe on 2-3 November 2020. Harmonised aeronautical data is a key resource for the Digital Single European Sky as modern technologies including artificial intelligence and big data solutions require robust and consistent data sets. In addition, new types of airspace users such as drones and unmanned aircraft need for their operations partially different data sets, for instance more precise information concerning lower airspaces. The declaration expresses the substantial contributions provided by FABs and InterFAB for the success of the Single European Sky.
BALTIC FAB / CEO PANSA Janusz Janiszewski said: “This declaration demonstrates the benefits of InterFAB cooperation. I strongly believe that enhancing cooperation between FABs in the field of AIM will be beneficial for us and for all airspace users. Traditional Aeronautical Information Services are gradually giving way to AIM to ensure data standardisation and interoperability according to SWIM principles. It is a very important factor that enables the advanced digitalization in aviation sector.”
DANUBE FAB / DG ROMATSA Valentin Cimpuieru stated: “This Declaration creates the prerequisites to further enhance the cooperation between the service providers from four FABs, aiming at delivering quality assured aeronautical information to any ATM user in an interoperable and digital environment.”
FAB CE Limited CEO Matej Eljon commented: “Digitalization is based on two central components. On the one hand, we need state-of-the-art technologies such as Artificial Intelligence or Big Data solutions. But - and this is a crucial - all these technologies are useless if they are not fed with exact, unambiguous data.”
FABEC / CEO DFS Klaus-Dieter Scheurle said: “FABs already collaborate in many areas. By signing this Joint Declaration these activities will continue to grow. For us, it is the next step to further enhance InterFAB cooperation to enable a digital Single European Sky.”
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