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FABCE – FABEC Air Navigation Service Provider Joint Declaration signing ceremony

- Web Broadcast

Air Navigation Service providers (ANSPs) from Functional Airspace Block Central Europe (FAB CE) and Functional Airspace Block Europe Central (FABEC) will sign a Joint Declaration on 17 June 2020 aimed at deeper cooperation and improved Air Traffic Management (ATM) performance. Originally scheduled for the World ATM Congress in Madrid earlier this year, the signing will now take place as an online event.

FAB CE Chairperson CEO-Committee and Managing Director of Austro Control Valerie Hackl, together with FABEC Chairman ANSP Strategic Board and CEO of DFS Klaus-Dieter Scheurle, will sign the Joint Declaration at a special web-event taking place at 14.00-15.00. They will be joined by Peggy Devestel, Chair FABEC Standing Committee Operations, COO skeyes and Matej Eljon, Director FAB CE Aviation Services Ltd.  The ceremony will deepen existing ties between ANSPs established over many years, and reflected in cross-border activity already delivering shorter routes, less fuel burn, fewer delays and a reduced environmental footprint. The Joint Declaration confirms ANSPs’ commitment to continued cooperation and Europe’s vision of a seamless Single European Sky.

Aviation’s recovery after COVID-19 will depend upon widespread cooperation. With this initiative FAB CE and FABEC ANSPs are strengthening common ties to achieve Europe’s long-term goals of improved operations and reduced environmental impact during a time of reduced traffic volume.

To register to attend the event, please visit:



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