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MET Alliance conducts FABEC study about the impact of adverse weather conditions on ATM

- Langen, Germany.

At the request of the FABEC air navigation service providers, MET Alliance, a consortium of leading European meteorological service providers, is investigating the possible effects of changes in weather behaviour on air traffic management and more generally the impact of adverse weather conditions on ATM. In 2016, air traffic delays caused by weather doubled. Among the various causes for delays, adverse weather ranks second after capacity. In 2016, adverse weather led to distinctly more delays than, for example, industrial action or implementation of new systems at FABEC level, for example. The study was initiated following severe local thunderstorms witnessed in the spring of 2016, which led to massive delays and cancellations of flights. The main objective of this study is to gather factual data on weather phenomena affecting air navigation services, especially with regard to predicted trends. This should enable the aviation sector to better anticipate future developments. The results are expected to be available in May 2017.

"We are glad that - with MET Alliance - we have found a reliable partner for this important study," said Maurice Georges, CEO DSNA and Chairman FABEC CEO board. "The influence of the weather on aviation and, thus, on passengers' well-being has significantly increased. The study will help us to identify adequate measures both in operations and in the related regulations to improve our service further.”

MET Alliance is an Alliance of 8 MET Service Providers in Europe including the 6 FABEC Member States (Belgocontrol, DWD, KNMI, Météo-France, MeteoLux, MeteoSwiss + Austrocontrol, Met Eireann) whose objectives are to promote and facilitate the cooperation between its members, and to improve safety, quality and efficiency through harmonization and rationalization of the provision of MET services.


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