Online Workshop Interdependencies within ATM performance - Registrations Open

We are delighted to announce that the agenda of the online research workshop on “Interdependencies within ATM Performance in the context of a dynamic environment” has been published. Registration is open via The event takes place online in three morning sessions on 21, 22 and 23 October 2020. The workshop is organized by BLUE MED FAB and FABEC in partnership with the German Aviation Research Society (G.A.R.S.) and the University of Bologna. High-level representatives from States, European Commission, ANSPs, NSAs, Network Manager, PRB and IFATCA have confirmed their contribution as well as industry representatives, academics, researchers and operational delegates.
Interdependencies have been from the beginning of the performance scheme a key issue. Now COVID-19 has conspicuously highlighted the vital importance of providing resilient air traffic management, capable of supporting unexpected surges in demand or simply essential cargo flights safely and efficiently. How do the four key performance criteria of safety, capacity, environment and cost-efficiency contribute to effective air traffic management? Is the framework provided by the performance review scheme delivering the best results for the passenger?
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