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FINAVIA Enhances Surveillance Capabilities through COMSOFT WAM Network

Finland starts implementation of countrywide Wide Area Multilateration (WAM) network. In a first step COMSOFT provides 39 sensors for the South Western part of Finland, including Helsinki.
HELSINKI/FINLAND, March 2012 The Finish air navigation service provider and airport operator Finavia has ordered a total of 39 of COMSOFTs Quadrant ADS-B sensors and 12 transmitters to cover approximately a quarter of the territory of Finland. Among the list of competitors, COMSOFT was chosen as the one to best fulfil the high requirements on redundancy by means of comparatively few sensors.
COMSOFTs Quadrant ADS-B sensor is ultra-compact and unrivalled in its range exceeding 300 NM. In Multilateration use the potential of the sensor can be fully exploited, providing superior range over secondary radar with higher accuracy at significantly lower costs. Complex surveillance tasks can be performed in areas lacking all-encompassing coverage.
The overall project further includes the implementation of an ARTAS tracker at Helsinki-Vantaa airport to fuse the disparate surveillance sources into one coherent air situation picture, as well as the delivery of the COMSOFT Radar Monitoring Display (RMD) as independent surveillance display, and the universal monitoring system Enhanced Supervision Management System (ESMS). For the harmonisation of all components the installations go hand in hand and will be completed according to schedule by the end of the year.
In further steps the successive coverage of the entire country is envisaged by establishing three additional WAM system installations in central, Northern and Eastern Finland.


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