FREQUENTIS exhibiting at ATC Global 2012 booth H200

Frequentis combines about 65 years of experience with next generation technology to provide its customers with solutions that enhance the efficiency and safety of their operations. The innovative Frequentis products and solutions are future proof and provide means for process optimization and productivity increase. Frequentis is also the first supplier to have implemented the EUROCAE ED-137 specifications in all of its ATM communication products. Customers can draw on the support of a global organisation and of regional representatives who all deeply understand the customers language and requirements.
Come and experience the future of SESAR and NextGen with our products and solutions:
VCS 3020X voice communication system offers the most technologically advanced and innovative solution on the market.
VCX the proven and unrivalled solution for EUROCAE ED-137 VoIP based air traffic management networks.
AMHS and AFTN messaging leading edge solutions for aeronautical information infrastructure, enabler for a smooth transition to FPL2012.
smartMessenger designed to ease the migration from AFTN (CIDIN) to AMHS and SWIM.
smartStrips the next-generation flight data management solution, allows efficient management of fl ights and increases safety and productivity.
smartTools the flexible and modular toolbox (MET/NAV, ATIS/VOLMET, LICOS/TEC, SIS) for integrated information and control systems.
smartAIM the smart way of managing aeronautical information. smartAIM is the most used AIM system in the world. It is the basis of EAD and used by international AIM organisations in almost 50 countries around the world. It is fully aligned with SESAR and NextGen. (NOTAM and METEO management, AIXM Data management, Digital Chart production, Single-source eAIP and paper AIP)
Nationwide communication infrastructure
Turnkey towers
DIVOS 3 log the comprehensive recording solution supporting multimedia incident investigation.
Enhanced Network Enabled Capabilities for C2 networks and Military ATC provided by
communication solutions VCS 3020X, iSecCOM and VCX-IP.
Defence Integrated Tower service-based access to key information ensuring superior situational awareness.
Come and experience our commitment at the seminars and workshops:
iCWP - Integrated Controller Working Position - and THE enabler for collaborative ATM (Theodor Zeh, Director Human Factors);06th of March, 13:00 13:20
Implementation strategies for FPL2012: how to manage the transition in an efficient way
(John Fort, Chief Executive Officer Carlifonia): 07th of March, 17:00 17:20
Use of Open Standards in the Modernisation of ATM
(Fatimah Madari, Product Manager); 06th of March, 10:00 13:00
SESAR SJU Technical Workshop - iCWP
(Theodor Zeh, Director Human Factors); 07th of March, 10:30 - 12:30
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