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Further Extension of ETFMS Network

The ETFMS (Enhanced Tactical Flow Management System) user Norway receives third Entry Node under EUROCONTROL contract.
KARLSRUHE/GERMANY, April 2009 EUROCONTROL has ordered a third Entry Node for installation in Bodø, Norway. The additional node will enhance coverage of the Northern part of Scandinavia and adjacent airspace.
An Entry Node acts as data collector and distributor for the ETFMS and forwards correlated data to the Central Flow Management Unit (CFMU) in Brussels. Correlated data is composed of latest target reports made available by ATCCs and the corresponding flight plan information. The CFMU relies on this data to optimize air traffic flow management and in exchange shares the latest flow information with the data originators.
Accurate position reports are the backbone of short-term traffic demand forecasts; most important when the CFMU is performing its central duty of harmonized slot allocation. Precise forecasts allow optimal air space capacity management providing valuable benefits in terms of less flight delays and environmental pollution.
The ETFMS contract was awarded to COMSOFT back in 2000. Since then COMSOFT has deployed ETFMS nodes to 23 European countries resulting in more than thirty ATCCs to deliver tactical data to the CFMU. It is envisaged that in the near future all ECAC member states will be part of the ETFMS network.


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