Delhi control center starts to operate with Indra's state-of-the-art system to manage one of the busiest airspaces in Asia

Indra has modernized the Delhi air control center, which manages one of the most complex airspaces in Asia, and prepares it to face the sizable growth in air traffic expected of a country destined to become the world's third-largest aviation market, surpassed only by the United States and China.
The Airports Authority of India (AAI) is using the Indra Air Automation state-of-the-art system to control the air traffic in Delhi.
Its powerful software organize all en-route procedures and support aircraft approach and landing at the country's largest international airport, Indira Gandhi Airport.
It will be managing more than 40,000 movements per month. This means controlling more than 1,100 takeoffs and landings every day and supervising an average of more than one flight operation per minute.
This kind of workload is just the beginning for the Indra Air Automation system, as the airport is planning to build a fourth runway to expand capacity.
To ensure the safety of all operations, Indra has provided the center with a redundant system to act as back up. It has also delivered a simulator to train controllers who, if needed, could be used in an emergency if the main system were to fail.
The Delhi center joins its Calcutta sister center, operating with Indra technology since 2014. This means that two of the four largest control centers in the country are now using the company's technology.
Indra automation systems are also used at 38 airports located across the country. In addition, its controllers are trained in the company's approach and tower simulators.
Indra has long had a close working relationship with AAI, which has led it to install and provide service to an extensive radar surveillance network for many years.
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