INDRA modernises Air Traffic Management in Indonesia with latest technology and strengthens its position in the Asia-Pacific ATM business

Indra has strengthened its position in the air traffic management market in Asia-Pacific by winning a new contract in Indonesia with the country’s air navigation service provider, to renew its air traffic management systems.
More specifically, Indra will implement its ManagAir automation solution, one of the most advanced and widely-used systems at control centers and airports around the world, to replace the current system of Jakarta, one of the two control centers in Indonesia, a project that will facilitate the traffic management of more than half of the country’s skies. Indonesia will therefore have the capacity to increase flight efficiency through 4D trajectories, which allow more accurate and productive routes to be calculated. This will contribute to more sustainable aviation throughout the territory by reducing fuel consumption and, consequently, CO2 emissions.
The company will also deploy its GAREX IP voice communication systems to facilitate communications between controllers, pilots and other agents. Indra provides a fully digitized solution, ensuring the highest sound quality and levels of security.
Moreover, Indra has been awarded a contract for the comprehensive renovation of the three approach air traffic management systems in Balikpapan, Medan and Pontinanak.
“With this contract we’re taking a further step towards advancing air traffic management systems in Asia-Pacific, a region that’s increasingly dependent on Indra’s technology and its ability to implement flexible and highly secure solutions tailored to its needs. The development of this project in Jakarta is essential within the roadmap set out in the Leading the Future Strategic Plan for the ATM business”, emphasized Víctor Martínez, Executive Vice President of ATM at Indra.
Indra’s technology can also be found in other countries in the Asia-Pacific region. It’s deployed at three of the four control centers that manage airspace in India, one of the busiest skies in Asia, as well as in Vietnam, where the company is to upgrade Ho Chi Minh’s air traffic management systems to strengthen its position in the market. Its technology is also implemented in benchmark airspaces such as Chengdu in China and Incheon in the Republic of Korea, as well as in countries such as Mongolia and the Philippines, which also operate with the company’s advanced solutions.
Indra has equipped a total of over 11,000 air traffic facilities around the world and it’s one of the few companies in the world with a portfolio of state-of-the-art solutions capable of managing a flight gate-to-gate, from take-off to arrival at its destination. The company helps ensure the safety of the passengers who take a flight every day anywhere in the world, as its technology is behind those journeys at some point, making it one of the global leaders in the sector.
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