INDRA to showcase state-of-the-art Air Traffic Management Technology at World ATM Congress

Indra will be at World ATM Congress 2016, held in Madrid from March 8 to 10, showcasing its latest generation solutions in automated communication, navigation and surveillance/air traffic management (CNS/ATM).
These include iTEC, the most advanced automated 4D trajectory air traffic management system on the market, developed by Indra as technology partner for Enaire, DFS and NATS. This platform has also been adopted by the Dutch navigation services provider LVNL. The company will also be showcasing its most advanced iTEC CWP air traffic controller workstation, which introduces new concepts and operating interfaces, providing air traffic controllers with interrelation and support features.
In communications, the company will be exhibiting its voice over IP communications system, COMETA VCS, while in airspace surveillance it will showcase the outstanding capabilities of its digital mode S secondary radar and primary radar, which have been tested to mitigate interference from wind farms.
Another industry-leading solution that the company will be demonstrating at the conference is its NORMAC GBAS system, the first GPS-based landing platform used in regular commercial traffic operations.
It will also be showcasing its InNOVA Air system, the most complete and innovative suite for remote, automated and integrated control of control towers.
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