INDRA will deploy its Radars at Geneva and Zurich Airports

The Swiss air navigation services provider, Skyguide, has awarded Indra a contract to deploy primary S band surveillance radars at the Geneva and Zurich international airports after competing in an international public tender. The catalog price for these systems is around 6 million euros.
Indra's surveillance systems will support approach and landing maneuvers at the country's two largest airports. Their solid performance will help ensure optimal safety levels and allow for high traffic capacity and smooth flow at the two airports.
Indra's radars, which will replace the existing equipment, also feature the latest developments in the mitigation of interferences caused by wind energy turbines. The technology also offers greater capabilities for detecting adverse climatological conditions.
Indra has worked with Skyguide since early 2000 implementing NOVA A-SMGCS in Zurich and Geneva. In Geneva, Indra has recently installed a new second Surface Movement Radar. In total 12 NORMARC Instrument Landing Systems have been installed over the years at 7 Swiss airports, the latest being the world’s first ultra-wide CAT III ILS going into operations in 2014. The main runway in Zurich is equipped with Indra DME.
To win this new contract, Indra successfully demonstrated the high quality and performance of its systems, the solid nature of the company and its flexibility to adapt to client requirements.
This new contract sees Indra bolster its leadership in Europe, where it works with the continent's foremost air navigation service providers. The company is one of the leading primary and secondary radar providers, having implemented over 200 radars worldwide. Its iTEC solution is spearheading the deployment of new generation air traffic control systems in Europe, which in 2020 are set to oversee one in three flights over the continent. Indra is also playing a prominent role in the SESAR project, to build the technological foundations on which the future Single European Sky will be based.
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