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Latest ARTAS Baseline Version in Portugal: COMSOFT has delivered new ARTAS System to NAV Portugal

The Portuguese ANSP has received an ARTAS system for the Azores. Due to end-of-life of the previous baseline a new ARTAS hardware baseline had been defined and validated. Subsequent award of additional contract for Lisbon system.
LISBON/PORTUGAL, January 2009 Within the process of delivering a new ARTAS system to NAV Portugal, the German ATM supplier COMSOFT faced unprecedented obstacles. During the project phase it became apparent that the previously defined ARTAS hardware baseline built on servers with dual core processors had become obsolete, and that from then on only servers with modern quad core CPUs were available. This unheralded event left the partners EUROCONTROL and COMSOFT in a situation where a new hardware baseline for ARTAS had to be defined and validated as quickly as possible in order to cater for the needs of the ARTAS users.
To this goal, COMSOFT shifted priorities and immediately started with the definition and validation of the new platform. The experienced ATM expert quickly arranged all necessary steps and successfully concluded the validation testing within a few weeks. As a result the hardware baseline with new and more powerful quad core CPUs was available to the community, and the ARTAS system for NAV Portugal could be delivered within the stipulated schedule.
This impeccable performance induced NAV to also transfer the second contract to COMSOFT, prior issued to a competitor for the supply of an ARTAS system for Lisbon.
The system runs the latest software version which has also been developed by COMSOFT in the scope of their Centralized ARTAS Maintenance and Operational Support (CAMOS) service contract. As EUROCONTROL's industry partner in this regard since 2001 the specialist renders the elaborate development of future versions and provides crucial emergency and efficient maintenance service.


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