NAV Portugal reacts to the economical crises

Being aware of the economic crises, NAV Portugal, following the Madeira Statement, is perusing an intense path to achieve real savings and greater cost efficiency.

In fact, while maintaining the implementation of measures to improve safety and quality of the provided service, NAV Portugal reinforced its cost-containment efforts, both focused on corporate overhead and operational areas, such as:
Rigorous control on general expenses, and on staff ingress, cancelation of non-essential travel in relation to international events;
On the operation side, a very rigorous control on overtime was implemented, as well as the establishment of the adequate plan of operational staffing levels in Air Traffic Control Units.
More over, NAV Portugal has agreed with the Trade Unions:
an adjustment to ATCO age limit, from 55 to 57 years old;
Alteration on the management contracts of fund pensions, converting it from a Defined Benefit Plan into a Defined Contribution Plan for future ATCO;
Roster and training programs adjustments according to the expected traffic demand that to an overtime budget reduction of 8,5%.
Furthermore, NAV Portugal has:
Revised its Investment Plan 2008-2012 reducing 18% of the expected investments into a new 2009-2013 Investment Plan;
Suspended from 22H00 to 04H00, the daily RAD restrictions with Madrid, as the result of a harmonized coordination with Aena;
Fully adjusted the Airspace structure to the current traffic flows, offering as much as possible direct routs;
In the framework of the collaboration with Aena, adjusted the main traffic flows structure the two upper air spaces, with estimated monthly saving of 49.181NM in flown distances and 860,563Kg of CO2 emissions;
We will implement in May 2009:
The Free Route Project within Lisbon FIR for witch is expected, for a average of 773 flights, the following daily savings:
Distance 2496.07NM;
Time 27.66mins;
Fuel 15904.07Kg;
CO2 reduction 50083.31 Kg
And latter on continuous Descend Approach Project within Lisboa FIR for which the following savings, per flight, are expected:
50 a 200 Kg in fuel.
5db of noise;
300Kg of CO2;
Concerning the price policy; NAV Portugal underlines that all competent national entities were involved in the reinforcement of the cost containment measures.
Excluded the effect of the adjustment mechanism, the as evolution of en-route national unit rates has been, since 2004 the following:
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