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New Support Information System to NATS

Copenhagen, Denmark March 2009 - NATS has selected Terma to supply the new Support Information System for London Terminal Control at the Swanwick Area Control Centre (ACC).
The new Support Information System (nSIS) is based on the Terma ATC*ISS system, which has already been installed and is in operation at the Heathrow, Stansted and Gatwick towers. ATC*ISS is the perfect tool for collecting, organizing, and serving relevant air traffic information, such as meteorological overview and forecasts, air traffic load data, runway conditions, maps, NOTAM information, CCTV and much more. ATC*ISS provides one single access point for information, improving air traffic safety as well as working conditions and situational awareness for air traffic controllers. Termas ATC*ISS is an advanced information integrator and the system can drastically reduce the number of displays in any control tower as well as centres and approach. The solution is fully scalable from tower solutions (minimizing the number of displays) to large ATC centre installations, providing information to hundreds of concurrent users. Furthermore, the unique graphical design tool in ATC*ISS allows users to easily layout and format the graphical user interface according to their own desire. The user may define a wide range of parameters for the selection and presentation of available data and ultimately design his or her personal screen layout. For further information, please contact: Søren Robenhagen, Director, Sales & Marketing T: +45 8743 6000 T mobile: +45 4029 5518 E: or Kasper Rasmussen, VP, Corporate Communication T: +45 8743 6000 T mobile: +45 2022 6091 E:


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