Celebrating a century of knowledge and innovation in aerospace: Royal NLR

In honour of its 100th anniversary, His Majesty King Willem Alexander has awarded the Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR) the ‘Royal’ designation. This honourable designation is the reward for NLR’s work as a leading technological knowledge institute in the field of aerospace in the Netherlands. The designation was awarded by the King’s Commissioner of North Holland, Arthur van Dijk. NLR may now call itself ‘Royal NLR’.
“NLR has been a strong brand for 100 years. It is the first and only research centre that focuses entirely on sustainable, efficient and safe aviation and aerospace in the Netherlands. I am delighted to be able to provide your centenary with a festive and prestigious predicate.”, says the Kings Commissioner.
NLR’s CEO Michel Peters: “We are very proud that we can now carry the designation ‘Royal’. It is the crowning glory for the work of our employees. Their knowledge and expertise is and remains the driving force behind pioneering innovations. The designation is an incentive for the future and strengthens NLR and our employees in our ambition to make aerospace increasingly sustainable. This is a huge challenge and requires an even faster speed of innovation and intensive collaboration. The dot on the horizon is flying emission-free in 2070. We are determined to make our contribution to this goal, together with the sector. This will not only be done in an evolutionary way, but requires a revolutionary approach for which NLR has to find outside-the-box solutions. And that is exactly what we are going to do.”
Visit the NLR 100 years webiste here: NLR 100 years
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