Pacific forum attracts global aviation leaders

Boeing, Airbus, and the US Federal Aviation Administration are among 50 global participants attending a Pacific aviation forum in Auckland this week, hosted by Airways New Zealand.
Aviation industry technical experts from all over the Pacific are attending the ISPACG (Informal South Pacific Air Traffic Services Coordinating Group) forum, which aims to foster cooperation between service providers across the region and improve air traffic service operational and cost efficiencies for safer and more efficient skies.
Airways, New Zealand’s air navigation service provider and a global leader in air traffic management, is at the forefront of this annual Pacific forum – co-chairing the three-day meeting and presenting papers about its award-winning Performance Based Navigation implementation and Collaborative Flow Management tool which calculates options to reduce delays in flight arrival times.
“ISPACG gives us the opportunity to collaborate with other key Pacific aviation leaders on a range of topics and issues,” says ISPACG co-chair Geoff Hounsell of Airways.
“Technical and operational experts from all around the region come together every year at ISPACG, and Airways plays a leading role in this forum which we’re proud to be involved in,” he adds.
ISPACG was established by multilateral agreement between Australia, Fiji, Tahiti, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Chile and the United States.
This year’s ISPACG forum has attracted delegates from aviation industry giants such as Boeing, Airbus, United Airlines, Emirates Airlines, and air navigation service providers from the United States and numerous South Pacific nations.
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