SESAR iCWP projects started at FREQUENTIS

In November 2009 one of SESARs most ambitious topics was kicked off: through the first technical meetings the work on the iCWP - the integrated controller working positions of the future has started.
With active support of most member organisations, hosted by Frequentis in its headquarters in Vienna. iCWPs will be one cornerstone for the success of SESAR since men and machines have to become a highly productive symbiosis to master the future demands.
"I am very relieved that the first technical meetings for the iCWPs were so successful. A good working atmosphere of the professional teams around the topic iCWP and common goals are the prerequisites for the effectual completion of our targets. The iCWP grows more and more in its importance by the SJU. An optimal symbiosis between men and machines is a basic requirement to achieve the ambitious goals of the SESAR Masterplan." said Theodor Zeh, Human Factors Director of Frequentis AG.
Between 2009 and 2016, about 2 billion euros will be invested in 16 work packages and around 250 SESAR projects. Frequentis contributes to this programme and supports the SESAR aims with its expertise and know-how. Frequentis is involved with the overall design of the ATM architecture, other projects addressing safety and security, and is leading the work on the Integrated Controller Working Position (iCWP) related projects have been started these days successfully.
For the future management of air traffic all data need to be presented in a harmonized way. With its expertise in Human Factors and Usability, Frequentis leads the design of future iCWPs to achieve that. The iCWP projects will generate Human Factors and User Interface Design Documents for all needed working positions. The design will then be validated by the use of HiFi Prototypes, deriving from the industrial part of SESAR. Therefore it is ensured that all future controller needs and requirements are met. The projects kicked off in the meetings in Vienna guarantee a successful realization of these aspects.
Overview of the Frequentis projects in the SESAR Joint Undertaking:
Communications: Frequentis is the market leader in this area and contributes to the definition of Voice-over-IP based as well as Digital Air/Ground Communication Services.
Integrated Tower & Airport Systems: Frequentis is defining integrated tower automation applications, including remote tower capabilities.
Information Management (SWIM): Based on EAD, Frequentis works on the design of SWIM (System Wide Information Management): the information and transaction modelling for different information spaces (AIS, environment, meteo...)
Integrated Controller Working Position (iCWP): With its expertise in Human Factors and Usability, Frequentis leads the design of future iCWPs: freely-configurable interaction platforms that combine all information relevant to decision making.
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