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Thales and CGx AERO in SYS provide a new Aeronautical Information Management system to the French AIS

Thales and CGx AERO in SYS have been awarded a contract by the French Aeronautical Information Service (SIA) for the supply of the first European fully integrated Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) system.
The new AIM system, which will be installed at the SIA headquarters, in Bordeaux Merignac, will ensure the provision of quality and timely aeronautical data to airspace users. The new AIM system called NOPIA will manage aeronautical static data and produce, with an integrated workflow management function, all the French SIA products, especially the national Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) as well as the aeronautical maps available in hard copy or in electronic format. This complete and integrated solution is designed to meet the standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in terms of data integrity, consistency and availability. It will efficiently support the French Aeronautical Information Services operators in their critical mission to manage and deliver timely quality information. NOPIA will also ensure a full interoperability with the European environment by procuring the appropriate format of exchange with the European Aeronautical Database (EAD). In addition to this contract, the French SIA has expressed the wish to initiate a User Group which will manage the future evolutions of applicable standards in the AIM domain. Rémi Gille, Managing Director of Thaless Customer Service, stated: Thales is proud to have been selected for this contract which aims to maintain the highest level of compliance regarding operational standards and to be associated with the NOPIA user club.


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