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Thales awarded contract to supply Air Traffic Management system and radars to NATO-USAF in Afghanistan

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) procurement agency: NC3A1, awarded Thales a major contract to supply a comprehensive Air Traffic Management system.
The contract includes its latest generation EUROCAT control centre, one co-mounted STAR 2000 - RSM970 Mode S radar, a precision approach radar provided by ITT Corporation, and a series of complementary Communications, Navigation and Surveillance equipment. This contract, which is already in force, will modernise NATO Kandahar air bases current Navigation Surveillance and Air Traffic Management (ATM) capabilities, ensuring a significant improvement of safety and security vital to the success of NATO civil and military operations. Thanks to Thaless experience in extended air defence programme across Europe, NATO will benefit from Thaless key strategic expertise in the areas of naval, air defence, space and ATM systems. Daniel Kleim, Managing Director of Thaless Air Traffic Management Systems business, stated: We are extremely proud to be part of this ambitious programme that will directly contribute to secure NATO operations. Thales is amongst the few companies to design, develop and deploy systems based on a dual expertise for the civil and defence domains. Thales is clear market leader worldwide in ATM systems and civil radars and, holds more than a 70% share in the navigation aids market. Thales also offers an integrated gate-to-gate solution, from pre-flight to landing, ensuring airport safety, efficient traffic handling operations, data sharing on aircraft and seamless handover operations between territories. 1 NC3A: NATO Consultation, Command and Control Agency


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