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Thales awarded contract to supply navigation aid systems to ASECNA countries

Thales has been awarded a contract by the ASECNA(Agency for the Security of Air Navigation in Africa and Madagascar) for the supply of 27 VHF Omnidirectional Radio Range (VOR), 13 Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) and 1 Doppler VOR (DVOR) systems to be deployed in 16 countries in Africa.
The significant air traffic growth in Africa in recent years has led to the crucial need of operational enhancement of en-route navigation capabilities and modernisation of airport infrastructure. Resulting from a long-term partnership with the ASECNA, the contract will support ASECNAs modernisation strategy, while ensuring a major improvement of safety and efficiency in ASECNA covered airspace. We are delighted to strengthen our relationship with the ASECNA. This contract represents a significant opportunity to increase our footprint and remain one of the leading suppliers of navaids in Africa. It further provides an acknowledgement of our capabilities and expertise in this area, said Vaclav Sourek, Sales and Marketing Director of Thaless Air Traffic Management activities in Germany, where the contract will be implemented from. In partnership with Thales, South Africas ATNS and other air navigation service providers from the region have made crucial upgrades to their infrastructure in order to rise to the coming challenges during the 2010 Fifa Football World Cup. ATNS chose the Thales Flowcat solution, the first nationwide Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management System, to cope with traffic growth and to ensure user preferred routes all whilst reducing the environmental impact of aviation.


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