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Thales completes Site Testing for Final Phase of Mexicos Air Traffic Management modernisation programme

Thales recently completed phase four of the Mexicos nationwide air traffic modernisation programme for the countrys Air Navigation Service Provider (SENEAM1).
Since 2004, Thales has been modernising Mexicos current Navigation Surveillance and Air Traffic Management (ATM)capabilities, ensuring a significant improvement of safety and efficiency in Mexican airspace. The fourth phase specifically involved the upgrade of the sites at Mazatlan, Hermosillo, Puerto Vallarta, San Jose and Tijuana airports. Mexican Air Traffic Control Centres are now operating exclusively with the Thales EUROCAT ATM system, which is a modular and advanced automation system that controls aircraft through the departure, en-route and approach phases. Thales has upgraded sixteen (16) Air Traffic Control Units and will throughout the life of the contract provide extensive training for SENEAM. The training programme provided by Thales will include extensive air traffic controller training courses as well as technical training courses. Thales is fully committed to developing SENEAMs internal expertise in the ATM domain. Daniel Kleim, Managing Director of Thaless Air Traffic Management Systems business line, stated: Thales has built a solid partnership with SENEAM and has made a vital contribution in the fourth phase of the comprehensive nation scale ATM modernisation programme as systems integrator, equipment and services provider.


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