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Thales successfully transitions its AIM-AMHS systems to the new FPL 2012

Over the past weeks, Thales successfully delivered enhanced releases of its TopSky - AIM solutions according to the ICAO milestones, offering full compliance with the new Flight Plan Model (FPL 2012).
During the transition period (due be complete on 15th Nov. 2012), and beyond if required, Thaless updated system is able to receive, store and process FPL messages in both PRESENT and NEW formats. The system also converts the FPL content in full compliance with the ICAO conversion rules in order for non-migrated systems to continue to receive the flight plan in PRESENT format.

Thales implementation provides a complete, risk-free and permanent solution offering full compliance to ICAO specifications while the FPL Converter systems have been deemed temporary solutions with already identified shortcomings.

Air navigation service providers from across Germany, Austria, South Africa and Taiwan are amongst many other customers that selected this updated Thales system and are benefiting from this fully migrated AIS infrastructure.

In expressing his satisfaction with this process, Martin Schreier, Head of Product Management Aeronautical Information Systems at the German air navigation service provider DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung, commented: DFS and Thales Air Systems have worked in close cooperation for the flight plan form (FPL 2012) changes in the DFS Integrated AIS System (DIAS) in order to put the system into operation on 15 November 2012, as required by the ICAO. During the project, all milestones were reached and Thales proposed implementation was a guarantee for a smooth cutover. Since 15 November, the system has been operational without experiencing any problems at all.


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