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Thales, undisputed leader in Africa, helps modernise continent’s Air Traffic Management throughout 2012

- Madrid, Spain

With 31 countries managed by TopSky-ATC systems covering 70% of the region’s air traffic, Thales remains the undisputed leader in air traffic management in Africa.

Across 2012, the state of the art TopSky-ATC has become the most ubiquitous ATM system in the continent. With over 30 countries featuring the Thales solution (more than five times more countries than the second supplier); TopSky-ATC is used by over 1,900 controllers. To date a total of 130 Thales operated centres around the world have been modernised to comply with ICAO Flight Plan.

Of all its customer relationships around the globe, Thales’s decades long partnership with ASECNA is one the most impressive success stories in the industry. Thales and ASECNA work together to control the airspace of 17 countries with a total area equal to 1.5 times the size of Europe. 2012 was a seminal year in this relationship. Thales signed a contract to supply ASECNA with 11 Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radars and 11 TopSky ATC systems1 this year, the biggest contract of 2012. Thanks to this contract, all ASECNA member states will have the possibility to operate a TopSky ATC system as well as a MSSR, increasing significantly the operational capabilities of these sites. This followed the supply of a VOR/DME system delivered to Maroua airport, in July 2012. This is a radio navigational aid and distance measuring equipment, to be used both en route and as terminal area guidance.

The group also played a role in the rebuilding of key infrastructures in North Africa to help development, in the wake of heavy political reform and conflict. Thales and the Libyan Civil Aviation Authority (LCAA) have been working together to rebuild and develop the country’s air navigation systems and in April announced they have received certification for the Tripoli, Misurata, Benina, Sebha, Ghadames, and Tobruk airports. The group was also at the heart of the development efforts in Egypt, NANSC (National Air Navigation Service Company), the country’s Air Navigation Service Provider awarded Thales a contract to supply a brand new Air Traffic Management system for its en-route traffic.

Commenting on this year of unparalleled growth Thomas Pistre, Thales Director of sales for Africa and Middle East for ATM said: “Thales is the undisputed world leader in ATM. As such we have a responsibility not only to supply the best possible systems at the most competitive prices, but to work with our partners to ensure air traffic can maintain safety whilst sustaining traffic growth. Africa, a vast and important continent, is one of the most challenging and rewarding regions for us to operate in and it is a true honour to be held in such high esteem by the most important Air Navigation Service Providers of the Region. Having such an indisputed position in the African market means we have to work even harder to maintain our edge, and partnering with forward thinking organisations like those handling African airspace allows us to push the boundaries of achievement, and build a truly bright future towards a Single African Sky and support the Air Navigation Service Providers to comply with the ICAO Aviation System Block Upgrades.”


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