TOPEX present at the third EUROCAE ATM VoIP Plugtests

TOPEX, as a EUROCAE WG67 member since 2008, proved its experience in integrating VoIP in ATM industry taking part at the third phase of Air Traffic Management VoIP Plugtests events organized by ETSI in Sophia Antipolis, France.
EUROCAE WG67 defines standards guaranteeing ATM VoIP interoperability and it includes system and equipment suppliers, main European Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSP), FAA and Eurocontrol. The group gathers all IP network elements to guarantee safe and secure voice communications in an Air Traffic Management environment.
This Plugtest event, organized between 1st and 5th of March, reinforced interoperability by enabling the identification of areas for improvements, by detecting errors and ambiguities within the current standards at the earliest stage, and finally speeds up the process of providing ATM VoIP products to the market in order to contribute to the implementation of the future European ATM system defined in the framework of SESAR.
These Gateways Plugtests event completed the series of functional Plugtests for ATM VoIP communication by performing Gateways tests between VCS to enable a soft transition from legacy to VoIP systems expected to be operated by European ANSPs as from 2013. During this event, the WG67 members made SIP v ATS-R2, SIP v ATS-QSIG, ATS-QSIG v SIP, ATS-R2 v SIP Interworking Gateway Tests.
TOPEX provides highly available communication and information solutions for Air Traffic Control industry. Being permanently in line with the evolution of IP technology, TOPEX VCS solution was among the world's first fully IP implementation in ATC environment. In this way, TOPEX IP VCS is a redundant system with flexible and scalable architecture to allow its configuration for a wide range of applications in the ATC/ATM field. The solution is well-suited for new ATC market needs and developments, its deploying covering all the features of legacy - VCS and offering technical and economical advantages.
For each member of EUROCAE WG67 Group is a great opportunity to participate in meetings where technical specifications regarding the most recent technologies, systems and equipments are developed. declared Mr. Dan Adamescu, CEO TOPEX. We are confident that the VoIP in ATM experience of all members will help drive innovation in the aviation community, added Mr. Adamescu.
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