Latest Release of UFA ATC Simulators Accredited by Department of the Army Directorate of Simulation

UFA, Inc. today announced that the latest version of the ATCoach® Radar and ATTower® Tower ATC Simulators have been accredited by the US Army Directorate of Simulation at Martindale AHP, San Antonio, Texas. The Simulators support operations-based individual Radar and Tower task training as well as collective Radar/Tower training of critical tasks. Both Simulators are equipped with UFA’s industry leading ATVoice® voice recognition and response capability that reinforces proper phraseology during Controller/Pilot communications and automates the running of training exercises. This latest accreditation activity continues UFA’s record of providing accredited simulators to the US Military since 1997.
UFA has delivered 33 ATCoach Radar Simulators and 19 ATTower Tower Simulators to the US Army and Army National Guard. As accredited simulators, they allow Controllers to count simulation time as time on position for maintaining their currency when sufficient live traffic is not available. Additionally, the ATCoach and ATTower simulators are also the Program of Record for the US Army Ft. Rucker Schoolhouse where all new Army Controllers are trained. The Schoolhouse operates 8 ATTower simulators and 12 Radar simulators including accredited transportable laptop configurations of both.
The accredited systems include the ATCoach simulator supporting the ATNAVICS tactical and/or FBPAR fix based surveillance system and the ATTower simulator with 180-degree HD LCD based visual system providing photorealistic airport database with realistic moving aircraft and ground vehicle models.
A special ruggedized Radar simulator configuration contained in a single man portable transit case has also been accredited. The ruggedized configuration provides access to the same simulator capabilities as the fixed base systems including voice recognition, and can operate for extended periods without commercial power. This system was specifically designed so tactical units could deploy with a full-fidelity Radar simulator that would provide them with on-demand training capabilities even in the most austere field conditions.
Over 80 Radar airspace databases and 30 Tower airport visual databases are included and in use for the Simulators including CONUS, OCONUS, Theater, and Generic databases. Several of the databases were developed by ARNG controllers using the recently provided Airport Visual Database Builder.
UFA continues a long history of providing ATC Simulation to the US Military including the embedded ATCoach Radar Simulator with the Department of Defense Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System (STARS), voice recognition enabled Simulators for the US Air Force, and the current deployment of 39 ATTower Tower simulators to the US Navy.
Headquartered in Burlington, MA, UFA specializes in simulation and voice technology products and services for Air Traffic Management (ATM). UFA’s product line is in use around the world and includes ATTower, ATCoach, ATView®, ATRadio®, ATVehicle™, ATVoice, ATWorld™, ATCloud™ and ATSpeak™. UFA maintains an additional office in Gaithersburg, MD. The company’s wholly owned German subsidiary, ATCSim GmbH, is located in Mainz and Kaufbeuren, and also operates the ATCSim Innovation Center in Bavaria, Germany.
US Army National Guard ATCoach and ATTower Installation
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