Visit ADB SAFEGATE at Air Space World in Geneva for a demo of OneControl

ADB SAFEGATE´s Integrated Controller Working Position, OneControl, is a truly integrated solution bringing all systems required by air traffic and apron controllers in their daily work onto a single screen. Visit us at Airpace World in Geneva on March 8-10 for a demo. See you there!
OneControl, is ADB SAFEGATE’s next level Integrated Controller Working Position that offers a single-screen display of all the data air traffic and apron controllers need in their daily work. The truly integrated solution is bringing all systems required by air traffic and apron controllers in their daily work onto a single screen. OneControl’s capabilities such as advanced safety net solutions, integrated workflow support and enhanced routing and guidance ensure controllers get the vital information they need, clearly and at the right time, without distraction.
Visit us at Air Space World in Geneva on March 8-10 for a demo of our OneControl, our Integrated Controller Working position.
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