AEA, Association of European Airlines

Visiting address
Avenue Louise 350
Postal address
United States
Tel +32 (0) 2 639 89 89
Association information
The Association of European Airlines brings together 33 major airlines, and has been the trusted voice of the European airline industry for over 50 years. AEA works with its members and, wherever possible, with the whole aviation chain to ensure the sustainable growth of the European airline industry.
In this section, find out how AEA works, who are its members, and learn about the role of the air transport industry in Europe.
Press releases
AEA deeply shocked by the Ataturk Airport attacks
administrator ATC Network
AEA strongly condemns French Air Traffic Control strike / Once more passengers and airlines hijacked
administrator ATC Network
AEA and Commissioner Bulc move forward on new EU Aviation Strategy
administrator ATC Network
Associations call on the Dutch Presidency to drive forward the EU Aviation Strategy
administrator ATC Network
In 2015 AEA member airlines achieve highest rate of growth since 2011
administrator ATC Network
AEA supports open letter urging governments to deliver on aviation industry’s climate goals
administrator ATC Network
AEA’s cargo leaders call for a competitive European air cargo industry
administrator ATC Network
AEA presents prerequisites for a competitive European airline industry
administrator ATC Network
AEA welcomes the European Commission’s efforts to ensure Better Regulation
administrator ATC Network
AEA: European airlines achieved record load factor of 81 % in 2014
administrator ATC Network
AEA member airlines to fly 1 million passengers a day over Christmas and New Year period
administrator ATC Network
Single European Sky: "Time to walk the talk"
administrator ATC Network
AEA calls for a new dialogue during meeting with Members of European Parliament
administrator ATC Network
European airlines registered a 3.3 % growth in passenger numbers in first half of 2014
administrator ATC Network
Debate on airspace security guidance for airlines urgently needed
administrator ATC Network
Passengers and airlines once again hijacked by unacceptable ATC strikes
administrator ATC Network
Unacceptable cost increase plans would make Germany the most expensive airspace in Europe
administrator ATC Network
Airline associations call for improvement in the area of airport charges
administrator ATC Network
Air transport partners welcome latest developments in EU rules on noise
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European Parliament opts for realistic approach on aviation ETS
administrator ATC Network
AEA condemns the European Parliament Environment Committee’s rejection of the deal on aviation ETS
administrator ATC Network
One more step towards the Single European Sky
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AEA calls on the European Parliament to take a realistic approach on Air Passenger Rights
administrator ATC Network
AEA strongly condemns strike actions of Air Traffic Controllers
administrator ATC Network
AEA calls on members of the European Parliament to follow the vote of their transport colleagues
administrator ATC Network
AEA airlines - 5.6 million additional passengers in 2013
administrator ATC Network
AEA calls on the European Parliament to push for the implementation of Single European Sky
administrator ATC Network
It’s time for Member States to take steps for the truly integrative project of Single European Sky
administrator ATC Network
Passenger growth trend continues in the first half of 2013
administrator ATC Network
Air transport partners urge action on EUROCONTROL airport capacity alert
administrator ATC Network
AEA's Cargo leaders set priorities for the European Air Cargo Industry
administrator ATC Network
European airspace users support the European Commission’s move to break the deadlock of Single European Sky and strongly condemn the industrial actions of air traffic controllers
administrator ATC Network
Ground Handling strike at Brussels Airport is unacceptable; cost of disruptions paid by airlines
administrator ATC Network
U.S. customs facility in Abu Dhabi harms the competitiveness in the Transatlantic aviation market
administrator ATC Network
UK Air Passenger Duty: the more harm than benefit story continues
administrator ATC Network
The future of the Single European Sky suffers another serious setback
administrator ATC Network
Lack of Single European Sky costs €5 billion every year
administrator ATC Network