CAA - United Arab Emirates
Association information
Vision, Mission & Values
"A leading, safe, secure and sustainable civil aviation system"
To regulate and oversee aviation safety, security and environment; deliver air navigation services and facilitate air connectivity through international collaboration in order to efficiently serve the general public and civil aviation industry.
Ethics: In our day to day work, we conduct ourselves with honesty, integrity, responsibility, patriotism and respect.
People oriented: People are our biggest asset, we invest in them and work hard to build relationship with the community.
Innovation: We encourage creativity and imagination that adds and creates value for the aviation sector.
Dynamism: We lead the change by keeping an eye on the future and being ready for constantly transforming world of aviation.
Sustainability: We would always ensure that our actions positively affect our community, the future generations and that we consume resources responsibly.
Excellence: We will not rest on our accomplishments, but continue to improve because we believe that in the race for excellence, there is no finish line.