CAA - United Kingdom
Association information
Who we are
Aviation is one of the world’s fastest growing modes of transportation, relied upon by millions of people across the globe. It connects people and economies and opens up markets.
The International Group, part of the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), is committed to supporting the sustainable success of air transportation by raising the standards of aviation across the globe, to protect those who choose to fly, as well as those who don't.
There are three functions within the International Group. Each of them fosters strong and lasting relationships with organisations across the aviation spectrum, to lay the foundations for long term collaboration on safety and security performance and progression of aviation strategies:
- Our International Strategy and Engagement team works with global and regional organisations, as well as aviation agencies, on international policy issues.
- Our State Safety Partnerships programme engages with individual states, their industries and UK industry on the management of safety performance and risk mitigation.
- CAA International is our technical advisory arm, providing capacity building, technical advice, training, examination and licensing services internationally, generating profit with a purpose and allowing us to redeploy funds where they are needed most.
Our shared focus is making a widespread positive impact on the global aviation community, by bringing together experience, technology and resources in an actionable and long-lasting way.
We work together for better aviation – shaping tomorrow’s international aviation legislation, improving regulatory capacity and efficiency and sustaining society’s confidence in aviation.
Our vision
A world where every state has a sustainable aviation system protecting those who fly and those who do not.
Our mission
Developing fundamental partnerships and growing our influence worldwide to tackle major aviation challenges and achieve consistent standards of regulation across the globe.
Our purpose
We exist to improve aviation standards sustainably across the globe, connecting states with expertise from the CAA and developing our partners’ people to help them lead the aviation world of tomorrow. Where our activities make a profit, we reinvest a sustainable proportion to extend our reach and fulfil our purpose.
Press releases
UK regulator unveils new AI strategy
administrator ATC Network
Airspace Modernisation: Consultation on a proposed UK Airspace Design Service
administrator ATC Network
Regulator's message to aerospace sector on eve of Farnborough International Airshow
administrator ATC Network
UK Civil Aviation Authority launches funding to help deliver airspace modernisation
administrator ATC Network
UK Civil Aviation Authority sets out vision for future of UK airspace
administrator ATC Network
CAAi-led consortium to study the impact of security measures on aviation safety
administrator ATC Network
AAIB Shoreham report - statement from the CAA
administrator ATC Network
Drone safety targeted by new joint CAA/NATS initiative
administrator ATC Network
Amazon and CAA will trial drone delivery system in the UK
administrator ATC Network
Major consultation on improvements to UK Airspace change process - one month to go
administrator ATC Network
CAA announces air show fees decision following consultation
administrator ATC Network
The CAA launches major consultation on improvements to UK airspace change process
administrator ATC Network
CAA publishes action report from ongoing Air Display Review
administrator ATC Network
Major airspace changes approved by the CAA making airline flights more efficient
administrator ATC Network
AOPA Wings Award gets CAA recognition
administrator ATC Network
Infingement hotspots face big reduction targets
administrator ATC Network
CAA releases update on UK’s implementation of the Standardised European Rules of the Air (SERA)
administrator ATC Network
CAA approves controlled airspace for Southend
administrator ATC Network
CAA confirms permanent ‘listening out squawk’ for Glasgow
administrator ATC Network
Air Navigation Order goes under the Microscope
administrator ATC Network
Visit ATC Day launched
administrator ATC Network
CAA announces replacement of Class F Airspace
administrator ATC Network
Online test launched for infringing pilots
administrator ATC Network
Pilot controlled lighting switched on for GA Pilots
administrator ATC Network
CAA issues advice regarding Tour de France airspace restrictions
administrator ATC Network
CAA announces measures to improve safety of offshore helicopter operations
administrator ATC Network
CAA briefs aviation industry on restructuring programme
administrator ATC Network
Gadget Restrictions to be eased for UK Air Passengers
administrator ATC Network
Red tape to be slashed for aviation sector
administrator ATC Network
Wider availability of instrument approaches proposed for UK
administrator ATC Network
CAA asks for info on illegal public transport flights
administrator ATC Network
GA Airprox incidents continue to fall
administrator ATC Network
Visit ATC Day announced for 2013
administrator ATC Network
CAA announce intention to replace class F airspace
administrator ATC Network