Visiting address
1325 Massachusetts Avenue N.W.
Washington DC
Postal address
Tel 202-628-5451
Fax 202-628-5767
Association information
As public servants working 24 hours a day, 365 days a year our controllers are working harder than ever to make sure you get to your destination safely. But, this website is about more than that. It's about issues that affect safety and the jobs we do -- issues that concern anyone using this country's national airspace system -- and this site is where you can find the latest news and information on these important topics.
NATCA represents over 20,000 controllers, engineers and other safety-related professionals, with membership from every state, territory and possession of the United States. Certified in 1987, we are one of the strongest and most influential labor unions in the federal sector, and a direct affiliate of the
American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Organizations(AFL-CIO).
Highly skilled and fully committed to ensuring the safety of every flight, our team of safety professionals is proud to represent not only the interests of our membership, but the safety interests of the flying public as well. Safety Above All is the litmus test in which all decisions are based as we continually strive to improve and enhance aviation safety in order to maintain the safest air traffic control system in the world.

As public servants working 24 hours a day, 365 days a year our controllers are working harder than ever to make sure you get to your destination safely. But, this website is about more than that. It's about issues that affect safety and the jobs we do -- issues that concern anyone using this country's national airspace system -- and this site is where you can find the latest news and information on these important topics.
Press releases
NATCA Announces Position on Air Traffic Control Reform Proposal
administrator ATC Network
NATCA Calls for Congressional Hearing on Air Traffic Controller Understaffing
administrator ATC Network
NATCA President Testifies Before Congress on Air Traffic Control Reform
administrator ATC Network
NATCA Congratulates New NTSB Chairman Hart, Board Member Dinh-Zarr on Confirmations
administrator ATC Network
NATCA Honors Members’ Finest Work at Annual Awards Banquet
administrator ATC Network
NATCA aanounces 2015 Archie League Medal of Safety Award Winners
administrator ATC Network
NATCA applauds FAA funding but warns of potential future instability
administrator ATC Network
Sequestration is a danger to the National Airspace System (NAS)
administrator ATC Network
NATCA: Collaboration Resulting in NextGen Success, Funding Uncertainty Creates Challenges
administrator ATC Network
NATCA STATEMENT: With shutdown over, establishing stable funding is essential next step for lawmakers
administrator ATC Network
Grizzle leaves FAA ATO as COO in December
administrator ATC Network
NATCA & FAA Statements - Furlough Update
administrator ATC Network
NATCA denounces tower closures as damaging for aviation and the country
administrator ATC Network
NATCA honours controllers at the 9th Archie League Medal of Safety Awards
administrator ATC Network
NATCA Details Effects of Sequestration on Aviation System, to Aero Club of Washington
administrator ATC Network
Sequestration: The Effects on Aviation and Everyday Travel : Report from NATCA
administrator ATC Network
Statement from NATCA President Paul Rinaldi, on Today's Sequestration Announcement
administrator ATC Network