The Terma ATC*ISS is an integrated information system designed to meet the need of todays air traffic controllers for structured and updated realtime information. Terma ATC*ISS is the perfect tool for collecting, organizing and serving relevant air traffic information, such as meteorological overviews and forecasts air traffic load data, runway condition, maps, NOTAM information, and much more.

- One access point to all relevant ATC information
- Supports a wide range of data types
- Meets the industrys highest standards
- Improves operational efficiency and air safety
- Reduces stress while optimizing response time
- User-customized interface
- Short development and installation time
- COTS components used throughout the system
- Flexible and fully scalable system architecture
- Fast transition through efficient training programs
- Low installation and maintenance costs

ATC*ISS provides one single access point for information, improving air traffic safety, as well as working conditions and situational awareness for air traffic controllers.
Terma ATC*ISS is an advanced information integrator. The system can drastically reduce the number of displays in any control tower as well as centers.
The solution is fully scalable from tower solutions (minimizing the number of displays) to large ATC center installations providing information to hundreds of concurrent users.
Furthermore, the unique graphical design tool in ATC*ISS allows users to easily layout and format the graphical user interface according to their own desire. The user may define a wide range of parameters for the selection and presentation of available data and ultimately design his or her personal screen layout.
This flexibility even allows a perfect mimic of familiar legacy systems, instruments or screen layouts to ease the stress on controllers during the transitional phase to a new information system.
Cost-efficient, User-oriented Solution
To speed up the process of transition to the ATC*ISS, Terma offers optional simulation and training functionalities. ATC staff may go through a series of individual training sessions, each with individual data sets fed into the system either live from external sources, or from pre-installed training scenarios.
Staff will also be trained to use the ATC*ISS graphic design tool, enabling them to customize the user interface to local and personal needs and preferences.
System Architecture
The Terma ATC*ISS is built with COTS components, ensuring reliability, low installation and maintenance costs, as well as a short project development schedule.
Designed on an open, LINUX/UNIX based client/server system architecture, ATC*ISS can be configured to any size of network from small installations with few clients to large distributed national networks with hundreds of work stations.
More information about Terma AIR and its products can be found on www.terma.com/AIR
Terma A/S
Vasekær 12
DK - 2730 Herlev
T +45 8743 6000
F +45 8743 6001
Abu Dhabi International Airport in the United Arab Emirates.
Terma will be a part of the prestigious expansion programme of the Abu Dhabi International Airport which will be completed in 2010. The ATC*ISS will be installed both in the tower cap, approach room and simulator.
ATC*ISS provides one single access point for information, improving air traffic safety, as well as working conditions and situational awareness for air traffic controllers.
The solutions is fully scalable from tower solutions (minimizing the number of displays) to large ATC centre installations providing information to hundreds of concurrent users.
Furthermore, the unique graphical design tool in ATC*ISS allows users to easily layout and format the graphical user interface according to their own desire. The user may define a wide range of parameters for the selection and presentation of available data and ultimately design his or her personal screen layout.
The data sources for ATC*ISS can be more or less static documents, Aeronautical Information Publications (AIP), charts or real-time dynamic data sourced from sensors, video, Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS), Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network (AFTN) or external international data based like European AIS Database (EAD). The system delivery for Abu Dhabi will also include integration of CCTV, Runway Performance Calculation and interface to a wide variety of other sub-systems.
The Terma ATC*ISS fully complies with the highest standards of the industry and provides for full scalability and easy expansion.
Terma will execute the contract as subcontractor to Thales Air Systems.
As subcontractor to Selex Sistemi Integrati S.p.A Terma will supply a Digital Automated Terminal Information Service System (D-ATIS) and General Display System (GDS) for the New Doha International Airport in Qatar.
The D-ATIS system is based on the Terma ATIS/VOLMET Flex platform which is the ultimate solution for capital and major international airports with large aircraft operations volume or airports with strong focus on service availability and performance. The system supports any combination of ATIS and/or VOLMET. The systems excellent flexibility allows you to configure the system in whichever configurations you may prefer. The service layout as well as input handling, GUI forms and readouts may also be configured as wanted. With built-in DataLink capability, Terma ATIS/VOLMET Flex may operationally provide a range of additional services, e.g. Departure Clearance. In addition, the ATIS/VOLMET Flex can work as a DataLink gateway to other voice ATIS systems.
For the General Display System, the Terma ATC*ISS system is the most optimal solution. The ATC*ISS is an integrated information system designed to meet the need of today's air traffic controllers for structured and updated real-time information. Terma ATC*ISS is the perfect tool for collecting, organizing and severing relevant air traffic information, such as meteorological overviews and forecasts, air traffic load data, runway conditions, maps, NOTAM information, CCTV, and much more. The ATC*ISS provides one single access point for information, improving air traffic safety, as well as working conditions and situational awareness for the air traffic controllers. Terma ATC*ISS is an advanced information integrator and the system can drastically reduce the number of displays in any control tower as well as centres and approach.
Both systems will be installed in the spectacular air traffic control tower in the New Doha International Airport. The Tower will be an elevated, triangular shaped structure, topped by a glazed control room, 80 meters above the airport.
The new Support Information System (nSIS) is based on the Terma ATC*ISS system, which has already been installed and is in operation at the Heathrow, Stansted, and Gatwick towers.
ATC*ISS is the perfect tool for collecting, organizing, and serving relevant air traffic information such as meteorological overview and forecasts, air traffic load data, runway conditions, maps, NOTAM information, CCTV and much more. ATC*ISS provides one single access point for information, improving air traffic safety as well as working conditions and situational awareness for air traffic controllers.
Termas ATC*ISS is an advanced information integrator and the system can drastically reduce the number of displays in any control tower as well as centers and approach. The solution is fully scalable from tower solutions (minimizing the number of displays) to large ATC center installations, providing information to hundreds of concurrent users.
Furthermore, the unique graphical design tool in ATC*ISS allows users to easily layout and format the graphical user interface according to their own desire. The user may define a wide range of parameters for the selection and presentation of available data and ultimately design his or her personal screen layout.