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What is ATC Network?


by Eugenio Diotalevi, IFATCA

UTM has become more than a theoretical concept. The industry is leading the development as great investments and revenues are expected from the Unmanned Compartment.

After the initial interest in parcel delivery, now the attention is focused on Urban Air Mobility (UAM) as part of the new developing concept of Advanced Air Mobility (AAM). In addition, operations at very high altitudes are a promising field too and several countries and manufacturers have started developing their own ConOps.

All these new activities have forced new actors, not used to the aeronautical world, to cope with its specificity and peculiarities: together with R&D institutes, industries, and national CAA, new stakeholders like City Councils, Port Authorities, Security Department have been involved, for example, in the development of transports in urban environments.

Read the full article: UTM U-Space
