apsXML from Managed-AIS provides the EAD eAIP and AIP production subsystem. The software has been developed in partnership with EUROCONTROL and other EAD system providers and is now the worlds number one software product for eAIP and AIP production.

Within the EAD, apsXML is used to maintain three published eAIPs those of Hungary, Latvia and Portugal with nine other states expecting to publish eAIPs using apsXML in 2010.
Access to the AIP subsystem is controlled through the EADs system of user rights, while the system's document management features allow multiple editors to work on an AIP simultaneously. apsXML is integrated with the EAD system, enabling AIP documents containing AIXM data links from the EAD. These can be used to build text, tables and even AIP sections from the EAD's database, all using apsXML's palette of data insertion tools. The document interface is designed to let editors see the document and the XML content as it is edited and includes previewing features so that AIP and eAIP content can be reviewed before it is finally published. Publishing can be done directly to the EAD PAMS system and both pdf and html output formats are supported.
Managed-AIS, in partnership with EUROCONTROL, are continuing to invest in apsXML to ensure that EAD users have the tool that they need to publish and maintain eAIPs. This need has been given added impetus by the arrival of the EU regulation on aeronautical data quality (ADQ) and the finalisation of EUROCONTROL's eAIP specification. In order to continue to support EAD clients in their eAIP production, apsXML is undergoing a program of improvements, some of which have been already implemented.
The program started in 2009 with the introduction of unicode capabilities to the software, a more intuitive solution to the problem of special alphabetical characters than the existing workflow. The feedback from EAD clients has been positive and the change was an important first step in the program.
2009 also saw the introduction of a new way of managing AIP chart files. The management and placement of chart files has always been one of the more challenging aspects of AIP production and this process has been made easier with the new chart and image versioning tools. These allow the storage of AIP-ready chart and image files in a chart database section within the apsXML AIP Manager where the AIP files are stored. Once chart files have been added to the database, they are available for insertion into the AIP document by using a single menu option. Each chart can be associated with a final date; once this date passes, the software will check the chart and image database for a newer version and if it finds one, it will replace the existing file, keeping the chart files up to date automatically.
2010 has already seen two more important changes in apsXML, introduced in the latest EAD release. Firstly, apsXML is now compliant with the ICAO Annex 15, Amendment 35 requirement for an AD 1.5 section. The new section, Status of certification of aerodromes can be created as a structured file and added to the AIP Manager and will then be included in any pdf or html output. In order to allow states to set their own timetables for migrating to the AD 1.5 section, this option is configurable and states can maintain eAIPs with or without a section AD 1.5.
A further important change in the latest release is the arrival of improved tools for marking amendments. As the system already includes a full set of tools for publishing the entire IAIP (with Supplements and Circulars), the AIP or an AIP amendment, these new tools provide an enhancement to the current toolset. Previously, amendments were compiled from pages where changes have been made. This new feature allows the marking of pages, sections or AIP sections as amended: these will then be included in the published amendment.