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Visiting address

2F, Segi Bldg., 111 Ogeum-ro, Songpa-Gu


Seoul, Korea

Postal address

2F, Segi Bldg., 111 Ogeum-ro, Songpa-Gu

Seoul, Korea , 138-828



Tel + 82 2 3433 8388

Fax + 82 2 421 8388

Company information

MOPIENS Inc. is a global provider of advanced Air Navigation Aids (NAVAIDs) systems based in Korea.
MOPIENS has been in operation since 1997 and is ISO 9001 compliant.
MOPIENS supplies total solution including product design, manufacturing, installation, training, project management and overhaul services.

Company information

Headquarters location 2F, Segi Bldg., 111 Ogeum-ro, Songpa-Gu
138-828 Seoul, Korea
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by
Company Size


  • Avionics
  • Navigation Aids
  • Research and Development