Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG

Visiting address

Muehldorfstrasse 15

81671 Munich

Postal address

Muehldorfstrasse 15

81671 Munich



Tel +49 89 4129-0

Fax +49 89 4129 12164

Company information

Rohde & Schwarz in brief.

For 90 years, the Rohde & Schwarz technology group develops, produces and markets a wide range of electronic capital goods.
With its extensive product portfolio, the company makes an important contribution to a safer and connected world. In the test & measurement, secure communications, networks & cybersecurity and broadcast & media markets, customers worldwide rely on Rohde & Schwarz and its cutting-edge solutions.
In addition to its established business fields, Rohde & Schwarz has made substantial investments in future technologies such as artificial intelligence, the industrial internet of things (IIoT), 6G, cloud solutions and quantum technology.
The company’s products and solutions empower industrial, regulatory and military customers to attain technological and digital sovereignty.

Your trusted partner for ATC solutions.

For air navigation service providers and airport operators, absolute system availability is paramount. As one of the world's leading VCS & radio manufacturers and turnkey system integrators, Rohde & Schwarz is your trusted partner for your air traffic communication needs. Our systems ensure reliable ATC operations at more than 200 airports and area control centers worldwide. More than 30.000 deployed ATC radios have underpinned our reputation of outstanding availability and performance.

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Company information

Headquarters location Muehldorfstrasse 15
81671 Munich
Some facts
Founded in
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  • Airport Communications
  • ATC Tower Design/Construction
  • ATM systems
  • Avionics
  • Communication Systems
  • Consulting
  • Datalink Applications
  • ILS / PLS
  • Mobile ATC Towers
  • Radar Test Equipment
  • Remote Maintenance Monitoring
  • Research and Development
  • Simulators
  • Software
  • Voice applications

Product information

With CERTIUM, Rohde & Schwarz offers a true one-stop-shop for the full lifecycle of an ATC communications system – from design, manufacturing, system integration to tailored services for the entire lifecycle. CERTIUM features a complete portfolio from a single source with perfectly matched components based on full IP technology.


CERTIUM VCSThe quad-redundant, IP based voice communications system integrates perfectly with the entire CERTIUM portfolio to ensure safe, secure and efficient airspace operation. The R&S®VCS combines flexible and resilient state-of-the-art purely IP based architecture with strong security mechanisms. Its rapid scalability allows implementations from a small tower to a countrywide system. With advanced capabilities R&S®VCS can support remote towers but also virtual centers, flexibly transferring responsibilities quickly between centers and countries.


CERTIUM RADIOThe communication between pilots and controllers requires reliable and secure radios. CERTIUM Radios cover the entire range used in ATC from HF to VHF to UHF with outstanding transmission parameters. The comprehensive portfolio of software defined radios includes the R&S®Series5200 featuring an innovative security-by-design architecture and a cost-efficient maintenance concept.



CERTIUM LocateCERTIUM Locate provides methods for increasing the airspace capacity while reducing the mental load of the air traffic controller and improving overall safety. Locating the communicating aircraft and highlighting it on the radar screen provides enhanced situational awareness and reduces the risk of call sign confusion. Air traffic controllers can safely handle more aircrafts simultaneously at a reduced stress level.

CERTIUM Analysis

CERTIUM AnalysisCERTIUM Analysis ensures regulatory compliance by using market-leading service assurance systems as well as test and measurement solutions for VoIP networks, radios and navigation. The products use unique technologies to provide easy operation of the entire system. The portfolio ranges from high-value frequency and signal analyzers and radio test systems to voice quality and signal transmission assurance systems.

CERTIUM Gateways

CERTIUM GatewaysIt is common to integrate legacy applications into IP infrastructure with phased migration scenarios in order to safeguard previous investments. CERTIUM Gateways supports all common interface types from analog to TDM and enables integration of radios, VCS and telephony systems into an IP infrastructure. Gateways can be used as a standalone solution or in combination with CERTIUM VCS and/or CERTIUM Radios.


CERTIUM Network24/7 operation of sensitive, critical infrastructure requires highly resilient and secure networks. Rohde & Schwarz provides delay-free and easy-to-implement network encryption for critical infrastructure as well as a unique ATC session border controller for protection on the edges of ATC voice networks in order to enhance and secure existing network infrastructure.

CERTIUM Management

CERTIUM ManagementEasy-to-use centralized management of VCS and radios provides a real-time view of the system and enables central system configuration and software management. Using multiple configurations, the system can be easily switched over to new parameters but also rolled back if needed. Central monitoring and reporting make the work of the system administrators much more efficient.


CERTIUM ServiceRohde & Schwarz provides customer support throughout the lifecycle of the projects – from system design, project implementation, extensive acceptance testing and professional training up to long-term lifecycle support. From 70 service centers worldwide, Rohde & Schwarz provides customers with support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, mostly in the local language. The entire chain ensures many years of smooth system operation.



Area control center:

Area Control CenterAlthough overall demand for air travel continues to rise, especially in emerging countries, en-route flight volumes cannot be reliably predicted. Routing patterns change depending on weather conditions and political crises or unrest can rule out flying across certain regions. To cope with increasing, but also highly volatile en-route traffic volumes, air navigation service providers (ANSP) require systems and operational models for their area control centers that allow them to quickly upscale their capacities while still remaining flexible and optimizing staff deployment. The CERTIUM advanced communications suite provides solutions to these challenges.

Virtual center:

Virtual CenterHighly volatile air traffic volumes and the economic necessity to optimize the deployment of highly qualified staff require modern operational concepts that go beyond a single area control center. Virtual center capability enables multiple area control centers to operate as a network. The CERTIUM VCS (voice communications system) virtual center capability for area control centers makes geographically distributed, redundant ATCs possible. This technology, which has been exclusively developed by Rohde & Schwarz, allows multiple centers to be operated as if they were one, resulting in higher flexibility and maximum availability.

Airport tower:

Airport TowerWhile passenger numbers are on the rise, low-cost carriers have optimized their processes and capacity utilization in order to transport more guests with the same number of flight movements or less. This puts pressure on ANSPs and airport operators to provide both reliable and efficient air traffic control services for each flight during approach, taxi and departure. ANSP infrastructure is usually restricted to existing space at the tower and/or data center, since any airport expansion is usually dedicated to revenue generating activities such as shops and restaurants. CERTIUM offers the solution to these challenges, with reliable yet cost-effective and space saving systems for small and medium airports. 

Remote tower:

Remote TowerAs large airports and international hubs continue to grow, providing optimized air traffic control services from the existing tower facility may be a challenge, since it might be too small for the number of controllers needed or no longer provide the best overview of all runways and aprons due to the airport's expansion. On the other hand, at small airports it may prove difficult to remain cost efficient, since their low flight volumes usually do not justify running full air traffic control services from the on-site tower. A solution to these challenges is digitizing air traffic control functions, such as optical, voice and data communications, and providing it either from a digital/virtual tower somewhere else in the airport or from a remote tower/center at a completely different location via a high-speed IP network. CERTIUM VCS is ideal for remote air traffic control tower applications and integrates seamlessly with CERTIUM Radios.

Fixed Radio Stations:

Fixed Radio StationsFixed radio stations are the primary means of handling communications pertaining to operation and control of aircraft in a given area. Equipped with transmitters receivers, or transceivers, they provide voice and data link communications with aircraft operating in the very high frequency (VHF) and ultra high frequency (UHF) ranges.

Due to the increasing demand for frequencies in the VHF band due to airspace re-sectorization, it is critical to have fixed radio stations installed throughout a dedicated area. These stations make it possible to fully control a given airspace. Setting up a compact, resilient and reliable infrastructure is a key task for air traffic control (ATC) authorities and ANSPs. Rohde & Schwarz ATC system racks allow them to quickly plan such an infrastructure and put it into operation. 

Mobile Radio Stations:

Mobile Radio StationsMobile radio stations are the primary means of handling communications pertaining to the operation and control of aircraft in a given area. Equipped with transmitters and receivers, or transceivers, they provide voice and data link communications with aircraft operating in the very high frequency (VHF) and ultra high frequency (UHF) ranges. Operational air traffic control (ATC) is of paramount importance, especially in areas hit by disaster or other adverse impacts on critical infrastructure. The need for mobile ATC solutions for emergency or redundancy purposes is increasingly urgent, and Rohde & Schwarz offers mobile ATC shelters enabling air navigation service providers (ANSP) to get safe air traffic operational in minimal time.

Security screening solutions

Download Brochure: Rohde & Schwarz brochure

In addition to communication, there are other areas that Rohde & Schwarz stands for:

Automatic Radio-controlled Drone Identification Solution

Drones, that fly above prohibited areas are an increasing security risk. Remote-controlled drones repeatedly violated the privacy of people and the boundaries of protected areas. Regardless of the drone pilot’s intension, drones pose a serious security risk. Rohde & Schwarz offers ARDRONIS as ideal approach for the demanding applications in drone monitoring and countermeasures. It meets the challenges of countering radio-controlled drones by intercepting the radiocommunications link to reliably detect and capture the direction of pilots and drones.

Network and cybersecurity

Modern IP technology is also finding its way into the field of ATC. Even IP based communications need to be protected against attacks from outside and inside, especially in security critical environments.

As a pioneer of highly secure encryption technologies we deliver high-speed and zero trust based endpoint security. The majority of these products is approved for securing “classified information – for official use only” by the German Federal Office for Information Security. These trusted security solutions support users along their way into a secure and digitalized world and thus make a significant contribution to digital sovereignty.

Test and measurement

In the aerospace industry, innovation and disruptive technologies are a key element of success. To ensure success, highest requirements need to be met for design, verification and test of electronic systems.

As a recognized industry partner Rohde & Schwarz provides market leading test and measurement solutions for radar, electronic warfare, satellite, navigation, guidance, communications and radio monitoring systems.

With excellence in test and measurement and decades of industry experience, we provide the means for our customers to push the limits of technological progress in
aerospace, defense and space.

Interference hunting for aviation safety

Radio equipment is the key component in an air traffic control system and has to operate reliably 24 hours a day, seven days a week. As a system planner and integrator, Rohde & Schwarz takes every step to exclude system malfunctions as far as possible and builds redundant components into its systems to render faults harmless if they do occur. Failures or malfunctions of third-party equipment, however, are impossible to preclude or prevent. When they happen, they need to be dealt with swiftly and effectively, and this calls for a precise understanding of the nature and origin of the fault.

The Rohde & Schwarz portfolio of radiomonitoring and direction finding equipment provides comprehensive and reliable tools for gathering the necessary information.

Security screening solutions

Air passengers must be checked and scanned in advance to ensure the highest possible level of security. The R&S®QPS201 security scanner delivers high-precision and efficient security control while ensuring an unobtrusive and uncomplicated experience for scanned persons. It consists of a flat panel with thousands of transmitter antennas that emit extremely low-power millimeterwaves in very short succession and just as many receiver antennas. Persons being scanned stand squarely between the panels as if facing a mirror, holding their arms slightly away from their bodies.

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