Additional projects for FREQUENTIS within the SESAR Programme

The global market leader for communication and information systems in air traffic management is proud to announce its participation in Work Package 13 (Network Information Management System) and Work Package 16 (R&D Transversal Areas).
This summer saw the SESAR Joint Undertaking announce the names of those companies asked to work on further SESAR projects. Frequentis will contribute to two of the Work Packages, giving the company the opportunity to apply its expertise in Safety, Security and Network Information Management System within 13 actual projects. Frequentis will be a key contributor over the next few years, helping the two Work Packages ensure that Safety , Security and Network Information Management System are given the importance they deserve within SESAR projects.
The outcome of all new projects will follow the established SESAR Overall Architecture approach, which seeks to create a stable set of open service interfaces that allow all services to collaborate on a loosely coupled basis. This approach means the services themselves can change in different implementations without requiring changes to the overall system. A subset of these interfaces is of particular importance and interest to Frequentis and the company is very active in relevant research. These interfaces actually involve the main areas of activity within SESAR. Frequentis places great emphasis on the central role of open interfaces, since they unleash the power of flexibility without compromising on quality, stability and safety. They allow best-in-breed experts to develop and improve services without the need to change everything in the broader system. Open interfaces thus reduce costs.
Work Package 13 - Network Information Management System (NIMS)
Due to the superior experience of Frequenits in the area of Aeronautical Information Services (which includes the the provision of the EAD) Frequentis will participate also in airspace design services and the next generation of aeronautical information management for ATM. Frequentis has helped numerous European and international clients to provide modern AIM systems and has additionally gained ample experience with the different requirements of different stakeholders. In the context of the SWIM SUIT programme, Frequentis has already gained experience with Aeronautical Information Management using SOA technologies. Frequentis sees its activities and expertise as a key source of support for the European ATM community and a key contribution to the long-term success of SESAR.
Work Package 16 R&D Transversal Areas / Safety & Security
Frequentis is active in a range of business fields relating to safety-critical operations, including the public transport, public security and maritime sectors. Involvement in public security, for example,
obliges the company to develop and implement outstanding security concepts and solutions that go way beyond those currently being discussed in ATM. The rigid safety regime in the international rail business bears comparison with the avionics business and even exceeds current ATM practices.
Frequentis fully understands and respects the unique business environment of ATM. Given this awareness, the company pays the maximum possible attention to safety and security considerations.
Frequentis also believes it brings substantial benefits to the SESAR programme and the ATM community by introducing expertise from other domains and applying it to ATM issues.
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