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Aeronautical information market worth more than $2 billion says new research study

Expenditure on aeronautical information system (AIS) and aeronautical information management (AIM) equipment and services is forecast to reach $2,163 million between 2009 and 2018, according to a new study by air traffic management market research company PMI Media Ltd.
The transition from AIS to AIM will effectively create a new market for information providers, as commercial companies will take over many of the responsibilities currently being undertaken by state organisations, said PMI Media editorial director Philip Butterworth-Hayes. There are currently four main sub-markets emerging: completing the ICAO road map for transition to AIM and providing value added AIM services to the aircraft-operator, airport and ANSP markets, according to Butterworth-Hayes. Add training and consultancy to the mix and suddenly this is a significant market for all concerned. Integrating AIM data with airport management and operations databases will create a market of over $600 million over the next ten years, said Butterworth-Hayes. The market will be driven by a rapid growth in data required per flight to support performance-based navigation and aircraft optimisation operations. The availability of new standards and technologies will allow for the increasing exchange of data across stakeholders but will blur the lines between state and commercial providers, managers and distributors of aeronautical information, according to PMI Media.
News from PMI Media
PMI Media


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