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Airbus ProSky and Atech sign MoU to develop Advanced Solutions for ATM in Latin America

Airbus ProSky and Atech have executed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) committed to Air Traffic Management (ATM) performance improvement in Latin America. The partnership's mission is to provide solutions that safely and efficiently accommodate the future growth of air transportation in the region, while reducing fuel consumption, emissions and operating costs for airlines.
"Atech is a proven and trusted partner for advancing the ATM systems in Brazil and other Latin American countries that are experiencing tremendous growth in tourism and air travel," said Eric Stefanello, CEO, Airbus ProSky. "Our traffic flow and precision navigation solutions have demonstrated massive efficiency gains around the world, notably in the United States and most recently in Australia. Together, Atech and Airbus ProSky can deploy intelligent ATM solutions that are proven to handle the long-term growth of air traffic, while successfully managing the peak demands associated with global tourism events that are being hosted in the region."

"Airbus ProSky's demonstrated the robust capacity management capabilities of its solutions under the most demanding conditions, whether helping the FAA manage the daily traffic flow in the U.S. National Airspace or supporting South Africa's ATNS with the 2010 World Cup," said Alvaro Karam, International Business Director, Atech. "Atech has successfully supported Brazil and other countries to adopt and implement advanced ATM systems. Together, we are positioned to help our customers manage the increasing air traffic and customer demands for air safety and efficiency, exciting opportunities for growth in the region."


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